Interactions Between the gut Microbiota and Common Cardiovascular Drugs

Anna Battle, PharmD Candidate 2023; Ashlan Lane, PharmD Candidate 2023; Hailey Parish, PharmD Candidate 2023; Sean Rushing, PharmD Candidate 2023; Jessica L. Johnson, PharmD, BCPS; Abby J. Weldon, PhD


US Pharmacist. 2023;48(2):18-22. 

In This Article


Each person harbors an individually distinct gut microbiome that can be altered by many things, such as diet, environment, and cardiovascular drugs. It is becoming apparent that commonly used cardiovascular drugs interface with a person's "invisible organ" in numerous and unpredictable ways. The studies referenced here describe early evidence that a patient's microbiome directly influences drug pharmacokinetics, just as medications alter concentrations of the many types of human gastrointestinal microorganisms. Exploration of the complex relationship between the gut microbiome and cardiovascular drugs will promote a path toward greater personalization of medication therapy to achieve positive health outcomes for all patients.
