Effects of Dexmedetomidine on Postoperative Sleep Quality

A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

Huizi Liu; Hanwei Wei; Shaojie Qian; Jintao Liu; Weicai Xu; Xiaopan Luo; Junbiao Fang; Qiaoyan Liu; Fang Cai


BMC Anesthesiol. 2023;23(88) 

In This Article


In conclusion, our systematic review and meta-analysis provided support for the perioperative administration of DEX in improving postoperative sleep quality by increasing the percentage of stage N2 sleep and sleep efficiency, prolonging the duration of TST, and decreasing the percentage of stage N1 sleep and sleep arousals. In addition, DEX, used as an adjuvant for pain management, provided effective postoperative analgesia. Based on these results, future studies are needed to determine the optimal dosage and regimen, timing of administration, overall efficacy, and safety of DEX in a broad range of patient populations.
