Interim Clinical Treatment Considerations for Severe Manifestations of Mpox

United States, February 2023

Agam K. Rao, MD; Caroline A. Schrodt, MD; Faisal S. Minhaj, PharmD; Michelle A. Waltenburg, DVM; Shama Cash-Goldwasser, MD; Yon Yu, PharmD; Brett W. Petersen, MD; Christina Hutson, PhD; Inger K. Damon, MD, PhD


Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2023;72(9):232-243. 

In This Article

Knowledge Gaps and Next Steps

Knowledge gaps regarding optimal treatment of severe mpox are best addressed through data collected during randomized controlled trials and other carefully controlled research studies. Patients enrolled in well-designed studies might benefit from the close monitoring provided by these studies (e.g., effective adjustments of tecovirimat doses are made as part of the STOMP trial based on serially monitored pharmacokinetic parameters). Understanding the role of immune dysregulation in the clinical course of severely immunocompromised HIV patients started on ARVs was frequently recognized as a knowledge gap: CDC has partnered with NIH to study this (Virologic and Immunologic Characteristics of Severe Mpox Among Persons with Advanced HIV [VIRISMAP] study).††††† Clinicians and health departments are encouraged to contact CDC when treating mpox in a patient recently started on ARVs. Controlled studies focused on understanding the impact of monotherapy or combination therapy on virus shedding, duration of illness, and clinical outcomes are needed, particularly for patients with severe immunocompromise. Public health laboratories, academic laboratories, and CDC continue to sequence the F13L gene (the tecovirimat target) to assess F13L viral mutations that might be associated with resistance. Phenotypic testing to evaluate resistance is also occurring at CDC.§§§§§ Analysis of anti-OPXV antibody levels and viral neutralization antibody levels are ongoing at CDC and are needed to develop guidance about redosing of VIGIV. Laboratories should consider examining T-cell and humoral responses to mpox in immunocompromised patients because immune response is crucial to viral clearance, and this data might facilitate development of improved clinical guidance.[35]

Until data from controlled studies are available, observational data from patients treated under IND might provide insights into clinical outcomes. Providers administering MCMs under IND programs should complete and submit optional data collection forms to facilitate improved understanding of the role of MCMs. CDC will update guidance, as appropriate, as new data emerge.
