Monkeypox After Occupational Needlestick Injury From Pustule

João P. Caldas; Sofia R. Valdoleiros; Sandra Rebelo; Margarida Tavares


Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2022;28(12):2516-2519. 

In This Article

Abstract and Introduction


We report a case of monkeypox in a physician after an occupational needlestick injury from a pustule. This case highlights risk for occupational transmission and manifestations of the disease after percutaneous transmission: a short incubation period, followed by a solitary lesion at the injured site and later by systemic symptoms.


The 2022 multicountry monkeypox outbreak has been linked primarily to intimate sexual contact. Although there are reported cases among healthcare workers (HCW), most are described to have been acquired in the community setting.[1] We report a case of monkeypox after an occupational needlestick injury.
